Security Weekly is a security podcast network for information security professionals. They produce a lineup of free shows for the security community, one of which is called Paul’s Security Weekly, hosted by Paul Asadoorian.
The last two weeks have seen Paul interview two members of the UEFI Board of Directors: Stefano Righi, of AMI, and Dick Wilkins, of Phoenix Technologies. These informal interviews are 30-40 minutes in length, and cover a broad section of current news in UEFI. Note that these interviews are intended for the general IT professional, and not necessarily a seasoned BIOS developer; so, you may be disappointed if you’re looking for an in-depth BIOS discussion. Having said that, it isn’t everyday UEFI gets mention in the general press, so check these interviews out!
Stefano Righi
Stefano’s interview takes place on the day of his 19th anniversary with AMI! He discusses how he got into the industry, some background on UEFI, the Secure Boot feature, and how BIOS has evolved over the decades.
Dick Wilkins
Dick discusses his career, a history of UEFI, the organization of working groups and plugfests, the potential for UEFI in the embedded controller space, UEFI and security, and where it might all go in the future.
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