The Spring 2015 UEFI Plugfest just completed.  This year it was held at the lovely Embassy Suites hotel in fabulous Seattle, WA, U.S.A.  The event lasted from May 19 to May 21, and the conference materials have just been made available on the web site.

If you’ve never been, the UEFI Plugfest is held several times a year at locations all over the world.  They typically alternate between Seattle and Taipei, Taiwan, but other cities get thrown into the rotation on occasion.

The point of the Plugfest is twofold:
  1. To gather all the participants in the BIOS industry:  computer OEMs, ODMs, independent BIOS vendors (IBVs), add-in card vendors, and core ingredient manufacturers like Intel and Microsoft in order to test the interoperability of their products.  Having industry specs is required but not sufficient; nothing beats being able to test your latest gadget or BIOS drop in real-world scenarios with other hardware/firmware.
  2. To share technical presentations about the latest trends or challenges in the BIOS industry.  The talks might cover new features in the latest version of the UEFI spec, or security issues, or BIOS development tools, to list a few examples.
There’s a third point too—networking between BIOS engineers.  It is enlightening to meet BIOS engineers from across the industry and discuss the differences and similarities between what we do at our respective companies.

The Spring 2015 technical presentations are linked here for download:

The full list of videos and presentations from past Plugfests can be found at the website in the following location:

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